The T-34 series, with its sloping Armour, changed the principles of tankdesign during the war. The sloping, angular layout of the T-34 increased theeffective Armour thickness, and also saw a larger proportion of shells deflectedaway than penetrated its Armour. The introduction of the T-34 into action sawGerman tank design follow suit with similarly angled Armour on the likes of thePanther and King Tiger. As German tank design came to the fore, the Soviet warmachine once again raised the bar with the T-34/85.
The T-34/85, the very symbol of Soviet military strength in the Second WorldWar, had a new turret to house the more powerful 85mm ZiS gun. A supremelyrugged and reliable tank, the T-34/85 had excellent off-road capability,especially in the marshland or snow of the Eastern Front, and was easy for thecrew to operate and maintain.
The T-34/85's great strength lay in its adaptation of the T-34/76tank designwhich preceded it. This ensured a far smoother and faster production line thanwould have been the case with a completely new design. Another major advantageof the relatively simple design is the sheer number of tanks the Soviet tankfactories could produce – by the summer of 1944 the Soviet war machine couldproduce more T-34/85s in a month than the Germans had Panther tanks in the wholeof the Eastern Front!
With over 21,000 of the 57,000 T-34s built during WWII being T-34/85s, theRussian credo was clearly one of quantity over quality, although it was anunwise Panzer commander who discounted the ability of the T-34/85.
Box contains 1 plastic tank, leaflet and decal sheet.
- Requires Assembly
- This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints notincluded.

Product Details
Product Code: 23008239Barcode: 5060572500174
Brand: Bolt Action
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Card Games, Dice Games, New Board Games & Puzzles, Sale Games, Word Board Games
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