Grrr! Roaaar! Hisssss! Screech! Growl! And what noise does a great whiteshark make? We never got close enough to find out.
Fresh from the jungle, the desert, the mountains and the deep blue seas, TopTrumps brings you Deadliest Predators. And we’re not joking, these guys aredangerous!
We’ve swum with orcas, legged it from Komodo dragons, wrestled with crocsand tickled the bellies of polar bears. All to find out whether a praying mantisweighs more than a tarantula, whether a leopard can outrun a cheetah, andwhether anything has a higher Killer Rating than a king cobra.
So what are you waiting for? Order now and by the time it drops through yourletterbox, hopefully we’ll have found out what noise a shark makes when youprod it in the stomach. Now, where’s that boat?

Product Details
Product Code: 25249973Barcode: 5053410001490
Brand: Top Trumps
Playtime: 15-30 minutes
Recommended Age: 5+
Number of Players: 2
Categories: All Games, Best Family Board Games, Best Sellers, Card Games, Dice Games, Family Card Games, New Board Games & Puzzles, Sale Card Games, Sale Games, Top Trumps, Word Board Games
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