It is an age of space travel and discoveries. Humanity is ready toreach new frontiers thanks to Xenium, a breakthrough fuel allowing spaceships togo farther and faster. Something, however, went wrong. PK-L7, the soleextraction point for Xenium, has been invaded. The Xenos, an alien species, wereinfected and became zombies, attacking everyone on sight.
We are the Green Squad, a unit of elite soldiers trapped in theXenium mines of PK-L7. The Xeno horde is coming from the deep, eager to reachthe surface and destroy everything in its path. We are few but determined tostop them at any cost. It is time for… ZOMBICIDE: DARK SIDE!
Zombicide: Dark Side is a standalone game and a prequel to Zombicide:Invader. It is fully compatible with Zombicide: Invader and all expansions fromthe sci-fi Zombicide range.
Zombicide: Dark Side is a cooperative game for 1 to 6 players. Playtogether against the game as Survivors of a subterranean alieninvasion! The terrifying Xenos are played by the game itself, usingsimple rules and a deck of cards. Find weapons, eliminate Xenos, and upgradeyour Survivor’s skills with experience. The more Xenos you kill, themore of them are coming! Play 10 missions on 10 different maps madewith the included modular map tiles, or create your own missions.
Zombicide: Dark Side is a limited print run. You don’t need it to play withZombicide’s sci-fi range, but you may enjoy the standalone experience andextra content for your custom missions. Grab yours while you still can!
Zombicide: Dark Side details the hours preceding the Xenos invasionon the distant planet PK-L7, right before the events of Zombicide:Invader. In this standalone game, players are members of the GreenSquad, the sole military unit to survive in the underground tunnels of PK-L7.The Xenos, an alien species, suddenly went mad and attacked from below, killingeveryone on sight. The Green Squad fights to survive and warn the surfacedwellers of the invasion. The forerunners of the oncoming horde are the DrillerXenos, a subspecies digging galleries for Xenium, a mysterious fuel andPK-L7’s main treasure. Watch your step in the dark, as the lights arefading out!
Zombicide: Dark Side retains the core Zombicide mechanics and introduces newones, with special rules for holes and dark Zones, futuristic weapons, and newcombat rules. The Green Squad also comes with war machines, in the formof a Vindicator Bot and a Maul Sentry Gun (with different designs andrules than those found in Zombicide: Invader).
Zombicide: Dark Side features all 6 members of the GreenSquad, the last military unit standing between the human base and theunderground threat posed by the Driller Xenos. Each of them is a Soldier, usingadvanced armour and specific Starting Equipment: a “Cattle Prod” (electricmace) and an SMG. Two of them may also get a Search Drone to upgrade theteam’s equipment as fast as possible against the Xeno army.
Despite being a military unit, each Green Squad member comes with their ownset of Skills, reflecting their personalities and ways to fight the Xeno threat.Choose the one fitting your play style, and fight as a team!
Zombicide: Dark Side uses its own Equipment deck, introducing manynew weapons in your sci-fi arsenal. These cards are placed in dedicatedslots on the plastic Dashboard if equipped (Hand or Armor) or placed in theBackpack for later use. There are many ways to eliminate Xenos and upgrade yourSurvivor’s armour in each Mission!
Thanks to their Skills, Survivors may prove more efficient with a specificweapon category (melee, ranged, or even using robots), but anyone can use anyweapon.
In Zombicide: Dark Side, Survivors can use Concentrated Attacks tokill the most powerful foes. As they focus all their might toward asingle target, they increase their chances to overcome its defences andeliminate it. Concentrated Attacks are particularly useful against armouredXenos, like Driller Tanks or even the Driller Abomination!
A fully alien species, the Xenos coexisted peacefully, and without contact,with humans on PK-L7. They were only looking for Xenium, but they suddenlyturned into killing machines for an unknown reason. The Green Squad foundthemselves on the frontline against the incoming invasion. Each Xeno type hastheir own specialties, implied by their nicknames.
Workers are the rank-and-file Xenos but come in largenumbers.
Tanks deal powerful blows and endure a lot beforegoing down.
Hunters are fast and a little smarter than their brethren.They seek and destroy.
The Driller attribute gives these Xenos an affinity withPits drilled by Abominations: while standing in a Pit, Drillers prove moreresistant to Ranged Attacks performed at Range 1 or more. They stand in atrench and get harder to kill!
Pits may be filled using special Seismic Grenades. While the objectives inthese Zones are lost for good, they are now secure…until another Pit isdrilled.
Driller Abominations are war machines, drilling pits at anamazing pace for all the Xeno horde to follow. These hulking, relentlessmonsters are immune to mundane weapons and can only be stopped by hits thatwould damage an armoured vehicle.
Pits drilled by these beasts act as trenches, and sometimes spawnpoints, for the Driller Xenos. As if stumbling across a Xenos-filledgallery in the dark was not enough, these pits destroy any strategic objectivein their Zone. Missions can be lost to these destructive beasts if survivors getcareless. Keep an eye open, and your best weapon handy, for the DrillerAbominations!
Driller Xenos and classic Xenos from Zombicide: Invader are fullycompatible. They can invade the base together, drilling Pits andspreading Mold at an alarming rate. Be careful, though: such crossovers arereserved for seasoned survivors used to working together as a killing team!
Zombicide: Dark Side comes with 72 incredibly detailedminiatures.
Survivors have detachable coloured plastic bases to help identify them,matching the colour of the pegs on your Survivor dashboard.
Zombicide: Dark Side comes with 2 new Machines: the Vindicator Botand the Maul Sentry Gun. Both offer the perfect balance for RangedCombat, in the form of a good rate of fire and Damage, at the price of anyability in close-quarters combat.
Both can be swapped with other Machines in any Zombicide Mission. Completeyour Machine collection, and choose the best for your next challenge!
As with other Zombicide games, Dark Side’s tiles may be arrangedin a nearly infinite number of ways to create your own Mission,replace, or expand an existing setup you like. Replayability at its best!
Dark Side’s tiles pit Survivors against Xenos in an undergroundsetting, going through either drilling installations or dark galleries.The latter prevents any Ranged attacks, except prototype weapons and Machines,and poses a tremendous threat as Xenos packs may roam in the dark. Of course,the Xenos can see perfectly in the dark and still hunt theSurvivors.
Game Contents:
- 72 miniatures
- 6 survivor plastic dashboards, colour bases, and ID cards
- 9 double-sided game tiles
- 128 mini-cards
- 48 plastic trackers
- 71 tokens
- 6 dice
- 1 rulebook

Product Details
Product Code: 35772789Barcode: 889696009685
Publisher: CMON
Brand: CMON
Playtime: 60-60 minutes
Recommended Age: 14+
Number of Players: 1-6
Themes: Horror / Sci-Fi
Categories: All Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Card Games, CMON, Dice Games, Horror Games, New Board Games & Puzzles, Sale Games, Sci-Fi Games, Word Board Games, Zombicide
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