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Zombicide: Invader (Board Game)

A Standalone Game Set in the Zombicide Universe

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We are at the dawn of a new space age. Xenium, a special fuel withoutstanding properties, was discovered on a distant planet called PK-L7 and amining outpost was established. As the base grew larger, and the miners drilleddeeper, something happened. The Xenos, an alien species we believed to bepeaceful, suddenly went mad and turned against us. They are infected, likezombies.

Few of us remain after the onslaught, and we don’t expect any help.We are survivors, we will have revenge, and we will prevail! Now is the timefor… ZOMBICIDE!

Zombicide: Invader is a cooperative board game for 1 to6 players. Team up with your friends, to play as survivors of a spacecolony fighting the infected Xeno horde!

Find weapons, eliminate Xenos, and upgrade your survivors’ skills withexperience. The more Xenos you kill, the more of them arecoming!

Play 10 missions on 10 different maps made with the included modular maptiles, or create your own. Find weapons. Kill Xenos. The more Xenos youkill, the more skilled you get, and the more Xenos appear!

Zombicide: Invader is the first game of the Zombicide Sci-Fisetting. In this standalone game, players are survivors of a humancolony on PK-L7, a distant and hostile planet. The gold rush for Xenium, a newfuel for space travel, turned into a nightmare as the Xenos, an alien species,turned into feral monsters. The battle rages in and out of the space station, intight corridors and on the planet’s surface. Xenos corrupt everything theytouch with a disgusting substance called “mould”, slowly turning the stationinto a hive. There is no escape route and no rescue, all space ships have leftthis forsaken planet: you have to fight and survive on your own.

Zombicide: Invader retains the core Zombicide mechanics andintroduces new ones, with survivor types (civilian and soldiers),environment features, futuristic weapons, and robots. You read that right: yourteam may control a Bot and a Sentry Gun against the Xeno hordes.

Will you fight Xenos as an ironclad soldier or as a resourceful civilian(another word for “adorable scoundrel”)? You choose!

Invader’s Survivors may either be Civilians, who can find equipment nearlyanywhere but have less protection; or Soldiers, who wear sturdy armour, but lookfor weapons only in Security Rooms.

Whatever your choice, each Survivor possesses their own set of Skills,allowing you to fight Xenos in many ways. Each Survivor has their personalityand distinct feel!

Each survivor in Invader receives a quality plastic dashboard to keep themorganized. A built-in sliding arrow tracks experience gains, and plastic pegsmark wounds and indicate new Skills.

Finally, multiple slots hold all your cards, making the inventory systemintuitive and structured.

Each Equipment card must be set in the dedicated dashboard slot to be used.Weapons are equipped in both Hand slots. Two Body slots may receive extra armoror specialist items, like Oxygen Tanks or Searchlights. The rest is set in theBackpack for later use. Thanks to their Skills, Survivors may prove moreefficient with a specific weapon category (melee, ranged, or even using robots),but in the end, anyone can use any weapon.

In Zombicide: Invader, Survivors may use Concentrated Attacks to killthe most powerful foes. As they focus all their might toward a singletarget, they increase their chances to overcome its defenses and eliminate it.Concentrated Attacks are particularly useful against armored Xenos, like Tanksor even the Spoiler Abomination!

The Xenos were only there for Xenium and didn’t care abouthumans, until something struck them and turned these alien into killingmachines. Each of them has their own lethal specialties, implied by theirnicknames.

Workers are the rank-and-file Xenos but come in largenumbers.

Tanks deal powerful blows and endure a lot beforegoing down.

Hunters are fast and a little smarter than their brethren.They seek and destroy.

Spoiler Abominations are Xenos war machines. They shrug offall but the most powerful blows and can insta-kill anyone crossing their path.The worst threat, however, does not come from their sheer power but from theirability to spread the alien substance called Mold anywhere they go.

Mould covers and spoils anything it touches. Mould-coveredZones can no longer be Searched for Equipment and lose any special propertiesthey may have. Worse, Mold can even spawn more Xenos! The only way to get rid ofit is using a Flamethrower. And then, it is just burnt and inactive, the Zone itspoiled and cannot be recovered!

The game is lost whenever two Spawn Zones are linked by an uninterruptedchain of active Mold. It means the Xenos have conquered the area, and theSurvivors must evacuate.

So, whenever you see a Spoiler Abomination, check your inventoriesfor Flamethrowers or use Concentrated Fire!

Zombicide: Invader comes with 72 incredibly detailedminiatures.

Survivors have detachable coloured plastic bases to help identify them,matching the colour of the pegs on your Survivor dashboard. Zombicide: Invadercomes with 72 incredibly detailed miniatures.

Survivors have detachable coloured plastic bases to help identify them,matching the colour of the pegs on your Survivor dashboard.

Zombicide: Invader features Machines, new support weapons forSurvivor teams.

Bots are mobile war machines remote-controlled by theirowner. They can accompany the team, bringing sizeable fire support, or go off ontheir own to investigate dangerous areas without the risk of losing a Survivor.Invader comes with a Peacekeeper Bot, equipped with a powerful melee weapon anda fast-firing ranged weapon.

Sentry Guns are fixed turrets with ranged firepower. Theyare great at securing chokepoints and laying ambushes for rampaging Xenos.Invader features the Falchion Sentry Gun, a fixed machine gun with a solid rateof fire and a long-range.

Zombicide’s sci-fi range features several models for Bots and Sentry Guns.They have different game characteristics and can be swapped in any way you wantto fit your play style.

Invader’s tiles may be arranged in a nearly infinite number ofways to create any amount of planetary bases to conquer and defendagainst Xenos. As the interior is fully opened, you will have to check allpossible routes between the Xenos and your team to avoid nasty ambushes andunexpected events.

Also, keep an eye on exterior Zones; while the Xenos may walk effortlessly onPK-L7’s surface, your Survivors need Oxygen Tanks to do so. These can only befound in Oxygen Rooms. Don’t let them get moulded!

Invader’s envi­ronment offers many surprises of its own, adding a wholeother dimension to your most dangerous Missions.

Game Contents:

  • 72 miniatures
  • 6 survivor plastic dashboards, colour bases, and ID cards
  • 9 double-sided game tiles
  • 125 mini-cards
  • 48 plastic trackers
  • 65 tokens
  • 6 dice
  • 1 rulebook

The Dice Tower Seal of Approval is a trademark of The Dice Tower, LLCand is used with permission.

Product Details

Product Code: 31121519
Barcode: 0889696009128
Publisher: CMON
Brand: CMON

Playtime: 60-120 minutes
Recommended Age: 14+
Number of Players: 1-6
Themes: Fantasy / Horror
Board Game Mechanics: Cooperative | Dice Rolling | Modular Board | Variable Player Powers

Categories: All Games, Best Cooperative Board Games, Best Sellers, Board Games, Card Games, CMON, Dice Games, Fantasy Games, Horror Games, New Board Games & Puzzles, Sale Games, Word Board Games, Zombicide

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